A new found respect for pirates
Today I was watching the travel channel and they were talking about gold. One topic was of the Inca civilization, their uses of gold, and the Spannish, and their theft of this gold. It made me sick to see the gold caked over the palace of King Phillip II depicting saints and christian scenes. But not all of the gold made it back to spain. Pirates intercepted many of those ships.
I applaud those pirates. They really stand for freedom. Isn't it interesting how the line between freedom and inprisonment is so fine? If you follow all of the laws, then you're a prisoner of the laws. If you live by your own laws alone, you could be taken prisoner by the authority in power. I believe this is a paradox. So, hurray for the pirates, who lived by their own laws, played by thier own rules, and gave the Spannish a little bit of their own medicine when they were taking so much from people who could hardly fight back.