Saturday, May 15, 2010


When I was in sixth grade I wanted to be a philosopher when I grew up. Because I thought I really offered an enlightening perspective on the world. I thought I could really see thing from a helpful perspective.

The Devil Needs Love Too is a poem about seeing things from a different perspective. It expresses the philosophical idea that happiness and peace comes from accepting and loving all things, good and bad. Further that by loving, caring, and paying attention to what seems to be the problem, you can understand it, and it can metamophasize (that should be a word, don't you think?) into something that is no longer a problem.

I'm pretty egotistical, thinking I know things. Let's lay it out flat though. I haven't done any kind of formal experiments, but this is a philosophy. I'm not even saying I believe it all the time, but I like how it makes me feel when I read it, and when I think about it. This is my poet side, my emotional, loving, creatively expressing side. I think philosophy and poetry make a great pair.

Let me know what you think.


At 5:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Egotistical in knowing things is right. Lol There is a lot to that 'understanding' that it takes to keep, say, a devil from getting meaner. Could you think like a devil? Could you think like me?


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