Monday, July 06, 2009

Zanthir's Body is the #1 search result for "zanthir" on Google!


Happy, happy. Joy, joy. Good job everyone. I couldn't have done it without you.

I'm curious how this happened. I thought this blog was totally neglected and forgotten about. But apparently it is the thing Google suspects people want most when searching for "Zanthir."

That's awesome. I'm so proud.

Zanthir was a name I made up. I was playing Rivers of Mud (ROM) way back around 2000, and I needed a name for a new character. I liked the idea the my brother Eldon had used to create an alphabet map that mapped vowels to other vowels, and consonants to other consonants. In this "language," Eldon became Arcim, which is really cool. Michael translated to Nodhear, which everyone pronounces "Nod, hear." I didn't like that. So I needed something else.

"Z" names were very popular on ROM. Zump was the imp. Zog was an imm. And there were a few others I now fail to remember. After playing for a while, I came up with Zanthir. It used "R" for "L" which is as my brother did. It also kind of used vowel to vowel mapping, though h is not exactly a vowel. I was happy. I thought it was perfect.

So Zanthir was my mage. I liked the name so much I made him a brother, Zanthril. Zanthril was an elf their. When I logged on, I almost got banned instantly. Some imm (Islena :p I think) tried to ban me as soon as I logged on. She was SOO pissed. She thought I was the infamout Zantaril. Apparently he had a bad reputation. I never leveled up Zantaril.

One most famous feat performed by Zanthir was the killing of an Obsidian Guard (level 40+) while I was around level 12. I had been running around midgaard giddy with the ability to do ALL CAPS damage such as, "Zanthir's chilling touch ***DEVESTATES*** the beastly fido's chest." I thought I was amazing. So when someone was screaming on gossip (Rofsky? j/k), "help, an Obsidian Guard is hunting me, he's almost dead," I jumped into the fray, and with one or two spells finished him off. I was the luckiest little mage ever. I got like 600+ exp and fell in love with my combat magic abilities forever.

Anyways, that is a brief history of Zanthir, & where it came from. And now, this blog is what Google thinks best represents the word. I like that. :D



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