Monday, January 03, 2005

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! In the spirit of New Year's Resolutions I've added a link to The Doctor Within to my favorite places in my sidebar. The thing I'm resolving to do this year that relates to The Doctor Within is drink more water. "Two liters is the intake necessary to maintain normal good health. If you want to get into anti-aging applications, intake goes up to THREE liters. Obviously this is something you'd have to work up to. But for maximum hydration of skin cells, three is the number." Most people know they should drink two liters a day, but few consider trying anything more than that. I'd like to start monitoring the amount of water I intake, and increase to be between two and three. I would be very excited to get up to three, but also I would be happy to at least get to two. I invite everyone to join me in my resolution as well as share about there own resolutions. Through this may my way make your way easier, and your way make my way easier.


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